A global campaign to spotlight the scale of the global learning crisis, leading up to the Global Education Summit

My role: Conceptualizing - Art Direction - Illustrator - Video Producer

Policy brief

This campaign relied heavily on data. The brief highlighted that in 2021 alone, a staggering 70 million children will reach their 10th birthday without the ability to read and understand a simple story. This age would normally be a critical milestone when children transition from ‘learning to read’ to ‘reading to learn’. It is a moment that creates the doctors, teachers and scientists of tomorrow.

One of the first products we launched was a policy brief in English, with French and German versions too.

Story gathering

We wanted to balance the data-heavy campaign with personal stories to help humanize the issues. Working with 4 photojournalists in Africa, we captured 16 stories of both students and teachers emphasizing how they were dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. These stories provided authentic and compelling content to maintain engagement throughout the 6 month campaign. They were also featured on the Lost Potential Tracker.

We added illustrative elements on photos to express key parts from the stories

A truly global campaign

Stunts and activities were held in Kenya, UK and France, and postcards were delivered to EU and Swedish ministers. We produced all of the creative assets to deliver a consistent and cohesive identity for all activities wherever they took place in the world.